Transmission and Renewable Energy Zones

There is no transition without transmission.

Connecting renewable energy sources with load centres is a current challenge that the energy industry faces.

The role of the transmission system to to transport bulk power from its place of generation to major load centres such as cities and major industrial centres.

The purpose of a Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) is to provide the pioneering network infrastructure required to connect many, large, new renewable projects that are located within a region of high renewable energy resource.

Network Service Providers (NSPs), Governments and Industry face the challenge of extending and reinforcing our transmission networks to facilitate the large scale adoption of renewable energy. 786 Fuel is contributing to the development of the Central West Orana (CWO) and New England (NE) REZs.

Transmission networks are essential for ensuring the efficient and reliable delivery of electricity from power generation sources to distribution networks and end-users. 786 Fuel’s focus is facilitating renewable energy zones, transmission line development, network connections for renewable and conventional energy generation, mines, and major energy consumers.

We also help our clients manage the contestable elements of the connection, including:

  • IUSA: Identified User Shared Assets
  • DCA: Dedicated Connection Assets
  • DNA: Designated Network Assets.

Our thorough review process encompasses resource quality, grid connection risks, approvals risks, construction risks, and operation risks along with technical review of project design.

We balance risk with practical solutions and mitigation advice.

786 Fuel’s transmission services include:

Network connection management


Management of GPS (Generator Performance Standards) studies


Connection concept studies


Transmission line project development

Mine and major load connection management


IUSA, DCA and DNA development management


Environmental and development approvals


Renewable energy zone development


Market Interconnector development


HVDC connections

786 Fuel takes a different view to most when advising on network connection options. Our experience with innovative concepts such as CopperString, New England Link and the NSW REZs is unique in the industry.

Why choose 786 Fuel

786 Fuel is highly experienced in transmission and REZ projects and has worked on major transmission and REZ projects with transmission infrastructure worth up to $7 billion.

Some of our transmission and REZ services include:

  • Project delivery reviews
  • Project management
  • Managing the procurement process
  • Project delivery
  • Contributing to selection panels
  • Stakeholder relationship management
  • Balancing commercial and technical perspectives
  • EOI evaluation criteria
  • Program assessment and validation
  • Coordinating bilateral meetings
  • Responding to technical queries
  • Integrating AEMO connections processes
  • Developing project agreements for risk allocation and commercial outcomes
  • Calculating generation from a REZ
  • Managing request for information (RFI) responses
  • Coordination with legal and commercial teams
Projects we deliver
Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone
New England Renewable Energy Zone
Galilee Transmission Connection
CopperString 2.0
Contact us
Let’s discuss what we can do for your business.
70 Concourse Way Greer, SC 29650
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Let’s discuss what we can do for your business.